Thursday, October 31, 2013

October 19 - 21, 2013 - Headin' back into New Mexico

The Rio Grande River...

    Think this is a field of alfalfa...
Fort Selden Historic Site...

Stayed at a Walmart in Las Cruces, and once again we were entertained with the wildlife in the area...I heard this bird making amazing sounds and so I opened up the back room window and looked up!
I a while mimicking his "songs" and we had a grand time "talking" together!

For a short time, a friend of his stopped by.

I had stopped and taken this pic...was curious what it was all about...

Wish I had been MORE curious when I was in the area!!   Just checked it out online!!  
          Look at these pics from their website!   SO COOL!

Our next stop was Caballo Lake RV Park.  Had spoken to C.J. on the phone, and she said...just keep on the road until you see the smiley face!  And sure enough!

She was so nice and helpful...guided me into the site so all the hookups lined up good.  She said to find her later when I was settled, to go over payment, etc.  

So I did and we sat out on her patio and talked for a long time!  She has owned and been running this RV park by herself for 17 years...and as she puts it, is ready to retire!   But she has loved it here.  It shows, in how she keeps the campground so nice.  

Her son had worked in the Philippines for many many years and had met a very lovely lady there and they got married.  They had been back to the States, but he is now going to retire in the Philippines...and is hoping his mom will join them and move there too!  So she has an ad on Craig's list and other places hoping to sell the campground, and her home!  (  I hope she is successful!  

Her property is right next to Caballo Lake State Park so it will always have this awesome view of the mountains, and there's a pathway down to the lake. 

We talked about music...had told her I teach piano, and she recounted a story of when she took piano lessons as a preteen.  She didn't like to practice.  So her lesson was going to happen in the afternoon one day.  Her mom asked her if she practiced.  No.  Then asked her if she was going to practice.  No.  So her mom took the music lesson books, tore them in half and went down into the basement and threw them into the furnace!  (I think my eyes grew wide with that story!)   I mean, I agree that if a child doesn't practice, it's a good indication they just aren't that interested and it really doesn't make sense to take lessons, but I don't think I'd go that far!   She said it really shocked her!

There's this big cross on the property that lights up at night...(a little fuzzy, sorry!)

She told this story of a couple who arrived at camp.  And as they were walking up the path to her house, the man asked, in this stern voice, "So what's the deal with that?" (pointing to the cross).  She looked him straight in the eye and said, "It's to remind people of Jesus and His saving grace!" And with that he smiled and let on that he was a minister and just wanted to see what she'd say!  

She invited us to "social time" which she had from 4:30 to 6:00 every day...either on her patio or in her home.  So Greg and I went over there around 5-ish and stayed 'til way past 6! We had a wonderful time!  Today it was inside, (awesome house!) and many of the people staying at the park were there.  The chairs were in a circle and we were introduced to everyone!  Such nice people!

One couple told us they went across country twenty years ago and loved it so much that when they retired, they sold the house and now live in their mobile home and travel all the time!  She's from Germany and her accent was just so cool.  

It reminded me of the many years I took German in school...8 in fact, from junior high to the second year in college.  I didn't dare tell her this!  I can only speak a handful of words and a few sentences!   As I listened to her, I realized the most memorable line I know is the first one I was taught back in 7th grade!  How bizarre is that!  "Gehen wir bitte zu die Bibliothek?"  (not completely sure this is even correct, lol, but I've been saying it for years!)

The other guests liked hearing about our adventures and gave us some good advice too!  
I'm not sure whoever takes this park over will be as gracious, hardworking or as fun as C.J.   Had to hug her when we left!

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