We met another Thor Palazzo owner - Ed! He's only had his for a few months too! He and Nanci came up from Texas and were going to Ohio (I think). We exchanged emails, so if there's anything we need to ask each other OR give each other a head's up on concerning problems with the RV - we have a connection! Great idea Ed!!
Beth and I exchanged email addresses and FB info, hugs all around, and said our goodbyes to her and Eldon...
Off we went to the drop off spot for Greg...at Lincoln's birthplace.
Along the way...
Saw this sign everywhere, in Kentucky, and Virginia...
Today's destination - the town called "Falls of Rough".
Our campground, the Rough River Dam State Park was in this little valley. Some pics of the area...
Met up with Greg, but he wanted to ride a bit longer so I road into the town and waited a few minutes. That's when Greg met Lester. His bike had a flat and it was important he got to this other town. Greg tried to fix it but the pump he had wasn't the right size for Lester's tire. Greg offered to take him, so we put both bikes on the rack and drove north! Hope all will be okay...
Beautiful sunset...
Headed home to Livermore RV Park...it's really dark on these roads at night...no street lights at all...
8/15 - Dropped Greg off in morning.
Peaceful spot...
Later on, on the way to pick up Greg in Whitesville I saw a home that had a table of fresh veggies. What a lot of people do around here is put out an assorted array of vegetables and a lock box with a slit to drop in money - the honor system...pretty cool. Made a mental note to stop there on the way back!
In Whitesville as Greg was packing up the bike, a couple pull up. Colby and Elise. Colby did the Adventure Cycle route from San Fran to Kentucky in 2010! They were traveling with a trailer and Elise had a blowout on the mountains in Colorado! Holy mackerel! And he almost got run off the road in Missouri! Had a nice talk. He also did a blog. (It's great meeting people - so many stories!)
This is no ordinary siren in Whitesville...it's for...tornadoes!!
Stopped at the veggie house...was walking over to the table and the owner saw me and came over. I was going to buy an eggplant but told him all I had was a ten and he said he didn't have change.
"Just take the eggplant!"
"No, just take the ten!"
So we banter back and forth a bit, then Greg suggests I just get more veggies! So I take another eggplant, a huge yellow squash and a cucumber. He still won't take the ten! He goes in his house, comes out with 2 dollars and some quarters. We decide we're even! Then as I'm getting into the jeep...
"You like green tomatoes? You can fry them!"
"My mom told me my grandmother used to make fried green tomatoes! Okay, sure!"
He gives me 2 green tomatoes too. So nice!!
We stop at a gas station to fill up the jeep. It doesn't give me a receipt so I go inside. As the lady hands me the receipt she goes, "Free soda, any size!" "Really?" "Yup!" So I got the biggest orange soda ever (to go with our steaks tonight!)
8/16 - Greg heads to Sebree. I explore with the jeep!
Around the town of Livermore...
That flood went halfway up the building!!
Old Livermore Road was just a gravel path...I couldn't resist! Went to where it turned...all you could see was corn and soy bean plants!
Headed over to pick up Greg in the late afternoon...on the way to Sebree...
I thought this was a shop that did animal paintings...until I looked at the pic I took!!
Oil that is, black gold, Texas (Kentucky!) tea!
Mo, Larry, Curly....and Shemp!
I found out the city north of us, Owensboro, had this music festival with 4 different bands in different locations on the waterfront of the Ohio River. So we gussied up and headed north!
Wow! Did we have a great time!! The town of Owensboro made this beautiful area, to walk along, with...THE most amazing playground for children I've ever seen...
Water fountains...
Outdoor pavilions...
and indoor theatres...love this piano!
Benches everywhere - or so we thought - they were actually swings!
All overlooking the river. Wish we had this back home!!
They have this festival every Friday night from May through September! All it cost us was a fee at this parking garage (for $2.00!). The rock band was the headliner. As we walked through the crowds we see they have all these motorcycles and more, on display! And some lit up!
They had a bluegrass band under this pretty tent that changed colors!
They were whooping it up and we got to see some people flat foot dancing again!!
There was a lady playing a guitar singing solo on the porch of one of the buildings.
Then we went into the theatre and heard a Gospel quartet sing!
The harmonies were incredible...brought tears to my eyes!
We went back to the area where the bluegrass band was playing, sat on the swinging bench and they sang two songs special to us... "More than Words" and "When You say Nothing at All". Great night...
8/17 - Greg was on the phone a lot of the day, working...I cleaned...
8/18 - Went to Livermore Baptist Church...couldn't find the church right away so we missed the beginning.
The pastor spoke about the Pharisee and the tax collector from Luke 18:9-14. He asked if we knew anyone who always thinks they're right (proud, self-important, "better than others" mentality). The Pharisee basically felt like he stood right next to God. But his prayer was preoccupied with self! The tax collector couldn't even lift his eyes toward heaven. Tax collectors worked for the Romans, and they got a percentage of any monies they collected for them...hence if they squeeze more out of the people...they get more money! He was contrite and asked God to be merciful to him. The pastor then referenced Romans 3:23...we're all in the same boat. A person can't be full of self and have God in there too! He said to be aware of the lure of the Pharisee!!
There were four singers. We missed the first song which was "In Christ Alone". They also sang "He Leadeth Me"...it was sung so soothingly...overhead they had the words, but it wasn't still pictures behind it - it was a video of traveling over beautiful places in nature. The last song they lead was "How Deep the Father's Love for Us" - wow, amazing lyrics. I feel like we may have done this one at our church, but today, it really hit me...
After the service, so many came over to say hi - they were the friendliest group of people!
We stayed for coffee & juice, and these three young boys came over - extended their hands and introduced themselves! They had heard about Greg bike-riding - and wanted to know all about it! The oldest had lead the prayer before the offering. And it was the littlest boy's birthday. So sweet. Miss the kids at my church - Hi to you all!
Miss my piano students too. Had to call their moms today and say we won't be back when I thought we would. : (
Glad to hear they are playing the piano over the summer vacation though!!
We packed up and headed to Sebree. Then Greg and I went on our ways...to the ferry to take us to Illinois!!!
Saw lots of animals along this route, some I hadn't seen yet...like this little burro who started heading over to me with a pony, as soon as I stopped to take the picture. Wish I could've gotten out of the RV and go petted their heads!! So fuzzy and cute!
A rooster and a hen!
Yup, these are the first I've seen!
And some cows...cows are always fun...
I'm always finding them under the trees to have shade and keep cool...I can relate!
Just before getting to the ferry, was an Amish community...didn't see anyone but saw other "signs" of them! (wow, that's corny, even for me!)
Get on okay...it kind of dips as I drive on, but they had a sign saying to expect that...sounded crunchy (so far no leaks!)
As the boat was docking, the young man grabbed this gigantic metal chain rope and with one hand whipped it around the "horn cleats" (yeah, I had to look that up) to attach the boat to the dock. He had it down to a science!
(the ferry was free by the way!)
Drove up the ramp, turned right and I was at Cave-in-Rock State Park Campground! How convenient!!
Greg was still in Kentucky and we were out of water and other essentials, so I headed out to find a market in town. Well, the one store open basically had bare shelves, so I decided to head to a more populated area...not really sure how these folks get food...
Still didn't find a store...but found a nice little town!Decide to turn back. Call Greg and suggest that if he passes by a store, to get some water...which he did.
On the way out I had passed a sign that said Tower Rock. That sounded cool so I make the turn. Tiny road...leads to a campground but not much else. No tower. No rock.
The same road winds back to Cave-in-Rock, so I continue on...
In the middle of nowhere...
Continue on...
All of a sudden something swoops across the road!
Is that a...? I scramble for the camera...drive closer...and it flies back across the road....oh no! I missed it!
I follow the flight path, roll down the window and look up in the tree...don't see it...
...then all of a sudden....!!!!!!
It was SO beautiful! And was looking right at me with these piercing dark eyes! Well, that just made my day!
I stayed a while, us just looking at each other. Then moved on. Awesome.
Got into town...
...drove down this one road and saw these paintings on a fence...
Drove around and took some pics...
Then I saw the steps to the cave! Will tell Greg about it and we'll go check it out tomorrow!
(they are awesome Nicole! Thanks
for your help selecting them!)
...and we go exploring!

Then we see it!
We noticed there was light in the middle - that's because there was this opening up above!
In fact we were just there earlier wondering what this big circle of brick and fencing was all about!
An alcove looking in...
...and looking out!
We finally leave the cave and wonder what else is in this area...
Yeah, we're thinking this was used for climbing!
We go in the alcove...

Look up....eh, it's too dark!
So I use the flash!
Oh no! That log is just hanging there! Wow, did I move fast!
One last look at the grate...
SO glad we went to the Cave in the Rock!
We gear up and go on our way...Greg to Eddyville and me to Crab Orchard Campground!
This house and yard were so pretty, I had to take a picture!
In the main part of Cave-in-Rock, they had different banners on the telephone poles, each with a Bible verse and a church in town. Pretty neat.
I've never seen so many sunflowers!!
Straight...flat...roads! Yippee!!
Arrived at Crab Orchard. Our view out the front window...real nice place...
On the way to pick up Greg... So pretty!
I think she was as curious as I was!
The area we are camping at is part of the Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge...there are trails and found out there's a 9 mile auto tour for viewing wildlife...mmmm...I'm thinking...tomorrow!
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