Saturday, December 21, 2013

December 15, 2013 - Today's the Day!!!

It's about 4am.  Thirty degrees outside.  We are moving slowly.  Finally get on our way to the drop-off spot for Greg's final ride...Davenport, CA.
Exciting day!  He will have to ride over 70 miles today and wants to get to the bridge before sundown...

I drove along the coast and kept in contact with him.  Then later on in the morning, started calling his family at hourly intervals to let them know how far out he was from "the destination"!  They would then head up to meet us in Sausalito...the town before "the bridge"!

A young girl going surfing! So cool! 
Once we got to South San Francisco, we stayed no more than a block away from each other...

We finally see the city off in the distance!

At this point I'm following right behind Greg.  As we're getting near the harbor area, a car swerves into the bike lane right in front of him! 

Greg pulls around the left side of the car as the car swerves again and the wheel of his bike gets caught in a trolley track, and he falls!  

I scream, but he immediately gets up, thank God.  I thought the car hit him, but it didn't. Again, thank God.  I pull onto the street to the right (over a curb I think) and scramble to pick up all his food that went flying.  The person in the car made sure Greg was okay and then took off.  Greg got scraped up but hopped right back on the bike, said he's fine and takes off!  
The original route, way back when, had him crossing into San Fran from the north side.  So the plan was for him to take the 2:50 ferry to Sausalito and ride south over the bridge.  

He was going VERY fast to get there!

As we near Pier 41, we both realize he won't make the ferry.  By the time the next one departs, it will be dark out.  So just as we had to change the plan that first day six months ago when the ferry out of Manhattan wasn't running, we did so again.  

Pulled over by the ferry terminal, hooked the bike up to the jeep, made our way through San Francisco...

...and drove to Sausalito where he would have gotten off the ferry to finish the ride.

And off he goes!  
                                These pics are from our sister-in-law!

We head off to the vista area before the bridge where Greg will meet up with us before crossing.

We all went to different levels before the bridge - Greg went up to the highest peak, his brother and sister-in-law went up a hill that overlooked where he would ride in towards the bridge, and Greg's mom, niece and I were by the bicycle entrance onto the bridge!  

The picture Greg has always had in his head was from where he was, so I drove up to meet him...

 What a great moment this was!
                             And now it was time to finish the adventure!

Drove back down to the bike entrance.  So grateful our sister-in-law took so many great pics today!

And he's about to cross the bridge!!   

So happy!!

Over the bridge we all go!

There he is! 

An incredible incredible accomplishment!
Greg and I are joined by his niece, sister-in-law, mom and brother.  So fantastic to have them here to celebrate this amazing journey!  

We thought it was neat to realize one of Greg's brothers and my mom and family were at the beginning of the adventure at the Empire State Building...and one of Greg's brothers and his mom and family were at the end of the adventure at the Golden Gate Bridge. 
How blessed we are...

The couple that took the family shot - they were inspired by Greg's achievement and hope to do that someday!  Got a pic of them as they rode off on their bicycles!

Went to the gift shop and while Kate was ringing up our purchase, we told her about what Greg had just done, and she, lol, staggered back in amazement...and just had to shake Greg's hand!

Then Len comes over after seeing the sign and just has to meet Greg!  He has a blog like Greg's and has done his share of riding across America also!  How awesome is that?!!               

Our dear sister-in-law made the great sign, and prepared a feast for the celebration!
Greg about to pop the cork on the champagne!

We are eternally grateful, for family and friends...their love, support and prayers.  And we thank God for His guidance and protection!

If there is something you've always wanted to do in life, pick a date, plan for it, and do it!  

Follow your dreams!  

We stayed a few days with the family for some time together, rest, and laughs!

And now to paraphrase a quote from the movie Rocketman...
                                                    ...put on the porch light Momma, we're coming home!!