Tuesday, December 17, 2013

December 9, 2013 - Hearst Castle!!

On our way up Route 1, all these cars start pulling off to the side of the road...and then we see...

Dropped Greg off at his starting point and then I headed for Hearst Castle.  I have had a picture of the outside pool at this castle, probably for twenty years...and always thought, someday, I'd like to see this in person!

Well today was the day!
They have tours for different areas in the castle, all which include the outdoor and indoor pools and the gardens.  Signed up for the basic one, which would include the living room, dining room, parlor and..a movie theatre! 

Did a close up shot of the castle, but actually it is about 1500 feet uphill...you take a tour bus on this tiny winding road up up up!

There was time before the tour to check out the museum.

Found out the zebras we saw are descendants of the ones Hearst had while he lived there.  He actually had a zoo with many different kinds of animals!

Julia Morgan was commissioned as the architect of Hearst's "ranch" in 1919 and for the next 28 years designed and oversaw the construction of the cottages, castle, pools, animal shelters, workers' camp, grounds and much more.  Impressive!

And the tour begins...



George was our tour guide.  
I kept within earshot as I took (a zillion) pictures!  

George was telling of all the famous guests that were invited to stay at the castle...Charlie Chaplin, Carole Lombard, Clark Gable, Jean Harlow, Winston Churchill, Greta Garbo, George Bernard Shaw, Cary Grant, Charles Lindbergh, Walt Disney, Joan Crawford, Harpo Marx, Buster Keaton, the list goes on and on...and then I hear him say Ignace Paderewski!  Wow!  

One of the first pieces I performed, and still a favorite of mine is his Minuet in G, and...my all time favorite piece...which I've yet to master, is his Caprice in G - an incredibly fast amazing piece!!  Now THAT was cool.  I asked if he had performed there and George assumed he did!               Yeah, good day.

The tour ended and then we were able to wander to our hearts content outside... I knew once I got to that outdoor pool I wouldn't go anywhere else, so I saved the best for last!

And then I saw....the pool!!!

Over the top?  Not for me!   
                It was breathtaking!  

(And If I lived here I'd be in it everyday!)

Yeah, I liked it here...this view is now my "wallpaper" on my computer!!

Greg called - he got a flat tire while he was riding along the coast!  There are many places where there are rock slides and it was darker and woodsier by him and his back tire hit a rock.  So I was on my way.  Unfortunately, I had to wait a half hour for the bus ride down the mountain.   So I did some more wandering...

A clementine tree!  George said they have over 40 different types of citrus trees here!
The path that leads to the bus area takes you through the indoor pool, so I took some pics of that!

Then it finally arrived!

Picked up Greg.  Get "home". And as we're sitting in the RV we hear a POP and then a HISS...the same rear tire...that he had just replaced the tube in, while waiting for me to pick him up...popped!  Lol...going to a bike shop tomorrow! 


  1. Wow. I can't imagine living like that. It is so great that you got to see the Christmas decorations too !!

    1. I can't either! But I think I could get used to it! Lol.
