Tuesday, December 24, 2013

December 17 - 21, 2013 - Headin' Home

Decided to post the few pics taken on the way home...



...window on RV door ...


Full circle...

                                 Merry Christmas everyone!


  1. Greg and Karen,
    Thank you for sharing these photos with me. I so thoroughly enjoyed them, and each was more beautiful than the one before. I especially enjoyed the Kansas State Fair, and the winter shots of the mountains in Boulder. Beautiful. The love and companionship you both share was an inspiration to me, as I saw how you watched out for each other mile by mile. I had tears in my eyes looking at the photos of the Golden Gate Bridge and a dream realized. Awesome....! Karen, my hat's off to you for having the courage to venture forth in an RV without missing a beat. I give you a lot of credit. Thank you again for sharing this wonderful journey with me. It was an honor.
    All the best,
    Amy Russell

  2. Hi Amy,
    So glad you enjoyed reading about our adventure! (the Kansas Fair was one of our favorites too!). It was a great experience full of surprises with each new day. If you ever get (or make) the opportunity to go across country, take it! You'll never forget it. Just stay off the main roads and watch out for the dogs in eastern Kentucky!
    Thank you for the kind things you wrote.
    Best wishes,
    Greg and Karen
