Sunday, December 8, 2013

December 1 - 4, 2013 - Ventura Highway

I can't tell you how many times this song has popped into my head these last few days! As soon as I drove down this highway, it was there, and it stuck!  (Love the song btw!)

The day actually started out a bit crazy...called several RV answer.  So we decided to just drive to one and see if they had space.  Get there.  Lady says yes, takes care of a long term "renter" and then looks on her sheet, and says no.  So we pull off on the side of the road, near the spot Greg stopped at the night before, he quickly gets the bike out of the RV (yes, this one is staying safely IN the RV whenever not in use!), puts on all the gear, and we both take off.

<== Another cool bike rack!

The towns here are very crowded and there is no parking space for a huge RV.  Even the Walmarts around here have small parking lots, and, do not allow overnighters.  

So I get this idea in my head, lol, to drive to Disneyland, it's not too far away, and pay for parking!  Punch in the GPS coordinates and I'm on my way.  

Getting close, I see a sign for Knotts Berry Farm!  Went there as a kid!  So I drive there instead.  Lots of cars, two lines, a parking attendant is waving me to go left.  Lol, as I begin to head in that direction, I see there's a downward curve and just a bit farther than that is an overpass that the RV will NOT fit under!   Now stuck, I wave frantically and honk the horn to get his attention, and he comes over.  He felt so bad, was apologizing and said he should have motioned for me to take the other lane!  

So they start averting traffic while I unhook the Jeep, back it up, back up the RV, and re-hookup the Jeep!  Insanity!  Covered in grease (Lol, not good to do these things in a hurry!) - I venture down the other lane,  make the turn as told by the attendant, and I see the parking I'm PASSING it on the right.  

Decide to once again, head for Disney!  

Get there, paid for, not too bad, and parked!  Yay!  Spent the next couple of hours calling more places.   Finally someone answered the phone, and we had a place to go!

So I headed for the Ventura area...

...took a while, didn't get there until dark...Greg was still riding...the lady there was real nice, helped me with directions, to find the place, and once I got there, she called a resident who helped guide me into the site.


Another sunny day!  Headed into the town of Ventura before going to the coastal area.
                                    San Buenaventura Mission...


Another gray day.  But on the way to drop off Greg to start his ride we see this Naval airfield...and my favorite plane!  C130!  Just the coolest ever!
Saw one in the sky, but it's a bit blurry!  Would love to take a ride in one!
Also saw...
Decided to check it out on the way back.

Along the coast...


Will end this post with some whimsy...