Sunday, November 17, 2013

November 13 - 15, 2013 - The Desert Dunes!

Headed even further south...


Then I see...the dunes!

The town, Glamis, is known as the sand toy capital of the world!

These dunes were SO high in some places!

<== Went up this hill to a lookout area where those buildings are...


Had to walk barefoot in the soft!

Then I see them.....sand toys!!
It looked like so much fun!  Found out on Thanksgiving more than a million people show up for this huge competition and festivities all weekend long!

There was this store with sand toy accessories 'n food 'n stuff.  I liked the paintings on the outside!

Moving on to El Centro...very agricultural area.

Palm tree farm!

Lots and lots of cows!

...from sugar beets grown locally