Tuesday, September 17, 2013

September 14, 2013 - Another Interesting Day

Traveled further west today...visited Newton...

Saw fields and fields of these plants...found out they are called grain sorghum or milo...

They had these great signs here for the bicyclists!

Looked like a tank, but it was a tractor!

Yeah...this wouldn't be me!  My daughter could do it though - she's a great cook, and the pie queen!    Bierocks?  Found out they're meat filled pastries!

A frozen yogurt shop!

Nearby water tower...

These rusty old tractors lined someone's driveway!  We see them used as art a lot!

I was driving along the country roads in the jeep, heading to where Greg would be finishing up for the day, and saw these billows of smoke rising above the trees in the distance.  Once I passed the tree line I could see that it was to the left, down this dirt road...
...well, I just had to go check it out!  Heard no sirens, saw no fire trucks...

It was this huge field just burning!

I've heard of burning fields after the crops have been harvested but have never seen it! 

                                                                         So wild!

The weird thing was that there was no one in sight!

No one supervising, no water hoses..and it all started and ended so quickly!

There were homes right across the road from the field.  I see a father playing with his daughter like it was just another day!  Called over to them and asked if everything was okay and he says, "Yeah, sure, they're just burning the field."  

The beginning corner...


So, I got a little sidetracked, but Greg was still riding to the destination...glad he wasn't waiting for me!  He did 76 miles today!!  Awesome!


  1. Who knew how beautiful it was out there. You just never think about it. Love all the pix. You would never burn a field in NY without 22 fire trucks, 13 emts and a handful of lawyers ready to make class action suits if anything got out of hand LOL.

    1. LOl! You're so funny!! But you're right about NY!!
