Determined to get another look at the Chincoteague horses, we set out to the National Park again...with cameras, suntan lotion and bug spray!
Such a peaceful area. As we walked, all you heard were birds and the rustling of trees. Nature is an amazing thing.
My favorite - the squiggly trees...
Across this field is where we saw horses the
other day, but they eluded us today...
So, yeah, you're thinking...oh, another tree...
but THIS one is significant! We were walking along, looking up at the trees and we see a large bird start to fly. I thought it was a falcon but then we noticed it had a white head and white on its tail! It was an eagle!! It flew past so fast and we were so in awe that neither of us moved fast enough to take a picture of it! It flew to these trees and then it was gone. But wow! It was quite a moment!
We continued on, happy with seeing such a magnificent bird, and started down another path that took us to the water's edge...

...a friend of Nicole's...
Heading back, we saw "evidence" of horses coming through recently, but they were hiding - mocking us for sure!
A few photos in town...
A sculpture of Misty from Chincoteague. 
As we took a walk in the evening around the campground we realized what a different type of life was here. Many of the sites were RV homes that people lived in year round. We had seen it in previous places but this place had so many. People attached mini garages, extra rooms, porches, had beautiful gardens, neighbors visiting one another...a very peaceful community.
We walked over to the docks,...and across the water were our elusive horses! Eight of them..all different colors...2 tan, 2 brown, 1 black, 1 white and 2 brown and white.
Our day was complete...