Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Winding Down and Ragbrai Stats

💗 We are so grateful for the well wishes and encouragement from family and friends - Scott, Nicole, Mom, Kirk, John, Kathy, Sue and Diana & Tim. It means so much to us! 💗

We were back at the car loading everything up and as an added gift, a couple approached us asking about our bike. Greg realized it was the couple (Brently and Marybeth) whose YouTube videos we watched - an important one had been how to pack for Ragbrai.  It was great talking with them!

It’s weird being back in a car and driving! 


              At travel center stops 😄


Ohio travel center - it’s so clean!

We will fondly remember Iowa for its warm friendly people. So many smiling faces as they sat in their front yards, us waving to them, them waving to us, kids with signs “where are you from?” as we shouted out “New York!”, the conversations, genuine and kind. I want to hold onto their goodness and be an Iowan on the inside. 

Will miss the beautiful blue skies, puffy white clouds 
and green rolling hills 
with its fields of corn. 

Total miles ridden: 496
Total elevation climbed: 12,945 ft
Top speed downhill: 38.66 mph 
Temperature throughout the week: 
average 85 degrees  
Total cyclists on Ragbrai 2022: 
somewhere between 18 and 20 thousand
Oldest cyclist: 96
Youngest cyclist: 9

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