Friday, September 27, 2013

September 16 - 22, 2013 - Snapshots of Kansas

Stayed here while we went to the fair...

Most of the RV parks are fairly plain, but this one was pretty...

...park-like grounds, and they had a nice office, with a room filled with puzzles, movies and books to borrow, free coffee, games...

and...a "storm" shelter (we know what THAT's for!!!)

In the past, when I've flown, I would see these circles on the ground...could tell it was farmland, but why circles?  Now I know!  The farmers have these watering machines that rotate around a pivot the crops are planted in circles!


       He was a curious lil burro!


Got a kick out of this name!
Found out these are grain elevators - they scoop up grain from a lower level and deposit it into a silo or other storage facility.  As it is emptied by gravity flow, the grain is conveyed, blended and weighted and poured into trucks and railroad cars.  They are huge buildings.  Read that one in Hutchinson and one in Wichita are both 1/2 mile high!   As I drive down the roads, all I see are fields and these buildings everywhere!


What?  Lol...the sun was in my eyes! 

And more fields...

Yeah, some fierce wind hit this thing!

And more towns...

And more skies...


And other stuff too....

This little guy was no bigger than my thumbnail!  I probably looked pretty silly following him around, hovering over the grass taking snapshots!

Was really hoping to see a lineman anywheres near Wichita...but it wasn't meant to be...     ...have always loved that song