Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Day Two - Ida Grove to Pocahontas

Even though we had to put up the tent on a slanted area we woke up to a lovely garden.

It was a cloudy day which was refreshing after the day of sun yesterday. 

This one was 71.2 miles, less hilly but long!!

Towns were happy to have the riders visit. Some towns were so small, probably all knew each other’s names. Very friendly folk. We were always given a warm welcome as we rode into town.  Many people opened their yards for bicyclists to camp at, some gave away free water and there were farm animals to visit. Pickle juice is a big thing out here.  That and pie 😁

The watermelon from Connor was delicious!

Water was in abundance, in addition to the kind you drink! - Slip n Slides, one town made their community pool available, hydrants with sprinklers for everyone to fill their water bottles, kids with hoses showering everyone with a cool spray of water…it was great!

Saw a lot of chicken statues…

So cool…

Saw the guy towing the speaker again!

We finally finished the ride and were so hungry so we started walking towards town. This lady (Emma - great name!) on a cart passed by and asked if we wanted a ride! She does taxi service at these kind of events. So she found out what was nearby, and took us to Subway and, waited for us to get food! (long lines everywhere with all the cyclists in town). We had a great time talking with her 😊

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