Monday, July 25, 2022

Day One - Sergeant Bluff to Ida Grove

First day packing up the tent and our knapsacks to give to the truck transport by 7am was challenging. Our tent is easy to pop up and close up but it poured last night so everything was, well, soggy!  They transport everyone’s stuff to the next overnight town while we bike ride to it. 

We started riding around 7:30. 53 miles, here we go! 

15,000 riders setting off towards the sunrise was pretty amazing.  We got a lot of fun comments about our bike. My favorite was a man who sang “Daisy Daisy give me your answer do I’m half crazy all for the love of you it won’t be a stylish marriage I can’t afford a carriage but you’ll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two” 😄

Many people were playing music through speakers attached to their bikes, which you’d think would be bothersome but we loved it! Such a variety! Rock, country, rap, hiphop, broadway, bluegrass, disco, metal, techno, Latin and much more! One guy was towing a huge speaker blasting music! The best so far was when climbing another hill - someone was playing Raindrops on Roses from Sound of Music - it made everyone laugh who heard “when the dog bites, when the bee stings, when you’re feeling sad” Lol.  Many were having fun with their outfits - wearing butterfly wings, helmets adorned with plastic wine glasses, viking horns, a dinosaur, mohawks, costumes - Thor, Wonder Woman, the Hulk, and…Gumby! He had to be roasting in that outfit! 

Lots of rolling hills!  Tough going up some of the hills (as most of our rides at home are pretty flat)! But it was fun flying down them!! 

As we passed through towns going from Sergeant Bluff to Ida Grove, each town had either live music or a DJ, food vendors, beer gardens, bike shops and repair facilities, churches or kids groups selling food. We had breakfast burritos in Bronson, homemade chocolate chip cookies in Anthon and delicious BLT’s and homemade ice cream in Battle Creek!
Ice cream machine!

We got to Ida Grove with enough time for dinner prepared by the members of the church we were camping at, even made it to the showers before they shut down at 8pm!  Off to sleep! Hope to get an earlier start tomorrow as we have 71 miles to ride!

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